Friday, January 5, 2018

5 Stars for Trancers by Margarita Felices!

This book is creepy!

First off, I want everyone to know, my favorite genre is Horror

You can say I'm a little picky when it comes to reviewing a new horror book. I've read way too many that were not scary to me. 
I like a book to creep me out...make me think of what I was just reading. 

Trancers is page after page of heart thumping anticipation. 
This book never slows down, it keeps you interested until the very end. 

I liked Travis right-away, 
and the writing created the perfect picture to where Travis went in the story. 
The Trancers were pretty creepy too!

I gave Trancers 5 stars!

I live in Cardiff with my partner and three little mad dogs and I work for a well-known TV broadcasting company. I love living in Cardiff because, for all its modernisation, there are still remnants of an old Victorian city. I love writing and base my stories in Cardiff because it has such character. When I can, I go out to the coast and take photographs, mind you, we have a lovely castle in the city centre and a fairytale one just on the outskirts, so when I feel I can't write anything, I take a ramble to those locations and it clears my head. 
I suppose it was inevitable that someday I would write a novel. My teachers at school used to limit me to no more than ten pages. When I left school, I wrote short stories for magazines, and it paid my way through college. I am Gothic, I love the fashion, the architecture and the music. The club in my novel is real. When I was writing book one, I got all my club material and clientèle from here, I wouldn't have finished that section without it.

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